Dann Washko

Cast out of a hospital in Easton, PA into the Lehigh Valley, PA, Dann spent his formative years in Center Valley roaming local fields and briar patches. Exposed to computers early on when his Uncle brought over an Atari computer he was thrilled with Tempest and Zork. His father eventually bought him a TI-994/a for a birthday with the stipulation there would be no games other than those he programmed himself. Dann spent hours typing in game code from Home Computer magazine and other periodicals of the day as well as creating his own no too impressive adventures. Eventually he found a way to sneak games in but as time rolled on there was less and less computing and more and more social life.

Dann graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a BA in Psychology and pursued a career in the Social Services field. His father offerred to by him a car or computer for graduation. He wanted a car but got the computer instead. It was a Gateway 486 running Windows 3.1. Eventually his love for the computer grew as he was exposed to a whole new world of gaming and the requisite upgrades brought on. More and more power was required and more and more tinkering ensued. Eventually gaming was not enough and he became more interested in the software and hardware itself.

Soon after getting married, his wife, Erin, and he spent a wonderful drunken night in a hot tub discussing the woes of their current positions in the Social Services industry and the future before them. The seed was planted and Dann soon embarked on a quest to change his occupation to the Tech Services. Equipped with some books, networking gear, and a lot of time he delved into system administration. It was not long before he became bored with the limitations of Windows and wanted more.

Securing a position at a local Staples where they did break/fix, Dann came upon a copy of Redhat Linux and was intrigued. Here was an operating system that was not Windows or Mac. He came with his purchase one night and put the disc in and was forever more hooked on Linux.

Linux led to community which led to meeting up with Linc and starting the Lehigh Valley Linux Users Group. One day while pondering projects for the group Linc posited the idea of a radio show. Dann set to figuring out how to stream audio over the interwebs and shortly thereafter the first episode of TLLTS arrived on the scene.

Over the years Dann has changed his occupation form System Administration (having secured a job at the school district he grew up in) to PHP programming when his wife transferred to Hampton, Va for a new position. The show evolved from gathering of the 4 original hosts at Dann's house to an online endeavor.

Dann spends his days entirely in Linux, preferring Arch and Slackware but also using Ubuntu along the way. His entire family is running Linux on their systems and enjoys the freedom and stablity afforded to them.

The Linux Link
Happy Pegwole